Tag Archives: film

it is so exciting…

and I am loving it.  I get to check my email around dinner time every night.  I wish I had more time to be on the computer and read blogs, twitter, and even update this blog, but I am on the road a lot lately.  I am trying to pull this show together, but when I get back in front of the computer, it is always a surprise.  I get emails from Police, Church Organizers, and Sex Worker Organizations.  I love that this film can mean something to some people.  This is the payoff  of making a film.


I thought I would have been in a festival by now.  I don’t know why I want to get into a festival, but now that I haven’t gotten into one I want to get in one bad.  I wasn’t really thinking about it when I started this whole thing.  Funny thing is I tried to get into my local film festival RI International Film festival.  That was a joke.  Half of the people in my film are sponsoring the festival.  The City of Providence, The Pheonix, the director of the festival even has pictures of him and the mayor all over the festival web site.  The funniest thing about the whole process was when I asked why I was not selected I was told that the film was homophobic.

I wouldn’t consider myself homophobic, or the film for a few reasons.  Besides the fact that I myself am a lesbian, I have done many filming projects for my community.  If things are said in the film that are anti-gay, that does not make the film or the director homophobic.  The film is a cinema verite film.  If I were to edit out everything I disagreed with I would have a very short film.

Basically the way I see it is like this.  I am fat.  Every morning I look for a shirt that doesn’t make me look fat.  But I realize that it isn’t the shirt that makes me look fat, it is the fat that makes me look fat.  Same logic with the film, it is not the film that is homophobic, it is some of the people in the film who make some anti-gay or shall I say anti-gay mayor comments.

The oddest thing is while I was being rejected by RIFF I was dealing with RI Housing and a member of their staff was discriminating against me for being gay and saying the same things that were in the film, so homophobia does exist and to edit it out would force me to be unreal to the film especially when I faced it.

On the good side of things we were asked to submit to the Traverse City Film Festival.  That is Micheal Moore’s film festival.  We made it down to the final 50 or so films but didn’t make it to the final cut.  As usual he took a bunch of anti-Bush films and anti-war films.  I am sure we will find some place to show it, and it will blow up.  It deserves to.

Second trailer released on youtube!

Please leave comments here or on youtube, and sign up

on the website to find out where the film will be shown

in its entirety in a town near you.

“happy endings” Website Launched

The official website to happy endings? documentary has launched.
Visit the website to get an sneak preview of the “characters” of this underground documentary.
Sign the mailing list to get updates on where and when the film will be shown.

Happy Endings documentary on line at youtube and myspace.

Buy the full DVD on line in our Secure Paypal Store.

The DVD includes.

Chapter Selection

2 Trailers

Etended Scenes.

Audio Commentary from the Filmmakers.

See why we are getting great reviews.

Buy the full DVD on line in our Secure Paypal Store.

This film is unrated.  It contains strong sexual content and images and strong language.